Be fit, get into SLOfit

The SLOfit® programme is one of the world’s first national lifelong fitness surveillance systems, supported by the “My SLOfit app”, a web-based application which provides smart algorithms for data cleansing, and access to personal and school reports. Fitness reports are provided to end-users so they can see their own health risks, predict or keep track of their own physical development, etc. 

SLOfit was first created in the 1980s as a pedagogical tool to better assist physical education teachers who were tasked to guide the motor development of their students. SLOfit is now used not only for this purpose, but also to promote physical activities adapted for all generations of Slovenian citizens. SLOfit is focused on raising awareness for all generations to engage in healthy lifestyle choices, and create better access to its online infrastructure for promoting sport & physical fitness surveillance activities for all. Thus, the SLOfit system nowadays consists of a school-based SLOfit Students programme, and a SLOfit Adults programme which can be performed in the educational, sport, occupational or health sector.   

Since SLOfit enables users to monitor their individual fitness changes over time it can also prepare tailored exercise interventions for fitness improvement, and insight on any physical fitness changes or challenges in any given class/group, school/organisation, municipality, region or national level; this long-term surveillance capability provides important long-term information for policy makers.   

Moreover, SLOfit has been created as a modern societal infrastructure which could provide an ability to test causal associations between physical fitness in childhood and future health outcomes based on the lifelong surveillance of one’s physical fitness, including several physical activity-related health risk factors. These connections will be explored in future as the children tested in SLOfit Students age and have the opportunity to continue monitoring their own fitness trends as adults. 

In summary, the SLOfit system is free-of-charge and consists of:  

  • 3 unique test batteries that are selected based on the age and capacity of the individual   

  • the My SLOfit web-based application which contains a feedback reporting system based on the individual's scores, 

  • training programs for test operators/facilitators, 

  • promotional activities through various media channels.  


In the narrow sense,  SLOfit Students includes:

  • annual systematic measurements of children with 11 measurements every April
  • sending the data of those children whose parents or themselves (in the case of secondary-school students), give active consent for their data to be included in the SLOfit database to the Faculty of Sport, where the data is cleaned and analysed in a couple of days and feedback reports for individual children and classes sent back to schools,
  • feedback information on every child’s development and physical fitness (personal SLOfit chart) which includes raw data of all the measurements as well as standardised values which enable direct comparison of a child’s current status with previous data and with population data, as well as the evaluation of their health risks (currently available only to children included in the Enjoy Health project and university students, include in the SLOfit Student project).

SLOfit facts

  • annual monitoring since school year 1981/1982
  • more than one half of the entire population of Slovenia are included
  • over 8.3 million sets of measurements
  • over 200,000 measured children and adolescents annually
  • 46 birth cohorts included in the database
  • in 2015 chidren were 1,3 % taller than in 1991
  • in 2015 children were 6 % heavier than in 1991
  • between 1991 and 2015 triceps skinfold increased for 13 %
  • body mass indeks of 11- to 19-year olds between 1939 and 2015 increased for one third among boys and one fifth among girls
  • in 2015 children showed 6 % less aerobic endurance than in 1991 which had negative impact on their health and academic performance
  • in 2015 muscular strength of arms and shoulders was 12 % lower than in 1991, which influences poor posture and increases risks of spinal problems in adult life
  • physical efficiency index of primary-school children increased from 49.7 in 2011 to 50.5 in 2015
  • the share of overweight children declined for 1.9 % between 2011 and 2015
  • there are considerable differences in nutritional and fitness status of students in different secondary-school programmes
  • in 2014 the male grammar-school students were 2.1 cm taller and 1.7 kg lighter than students from vocational schools while the difference in females was 2.3 cm and 1.6 kg
  • when a grammar-school student covered the 600 m running distance ta vocational-school student covered only 525 m
  • in 2014 grammar-school boys were able to persist in bent arm hang 15.2 seconds (25 %) more than boys from vocational schools and girls from grammar schools 14.8 seconds (38 %) more than their peers from vocational schools 
  • with the average height of almost 181 cm in boys and 167 cm in girls at age 18 Slovenian population is among the tallest in the world
  • children from Slovenia are among the fittest in Europe, for example the average result of the 12-year olds in Slovenia is at the 80th centile of their Spanish peers
  • in children, who were in the past years included in the Healthy Lifestyle project, aerobic fitness improved for 3 %


Tests battery was establish years before Eurofit and it based on the large scale physical fitness testing in Slovenia date from 60s and 70s of previous century. The system was implemented in 1982 on a sample of Slovenian schools and after 5 years of testing it was introduced to all Slovenian primary and secondary schools. Therefore, SLOfit enables annual monitoring of physical and motor status of children in all Slovenian schools from 1987 onwards.