SLOfit is a unique national surveillance system monitoring the healthy physical development of children and youth from 1987. The system can now incorporate all ages across the entire lifespan.
SLOfit fitness monitoring provides PE teachers data-driven results to better support their students’ somatic developmental progress, promoting their physical literacy journey
SLOfit provides accurate data to healthcare providers, policymakers and government bodies to inform public policy and national health and educational strategies.
Since 1987, every year all primary and secondary schools in Slovenia participate in SLOfit, national surveillance system for physical and motor development of children and youth.
With the help of the SLOfit data children, youth and their parents can monitor their physical and motor development, while teachers and physicians acquire important information necessary for the planning and implementation of intervention in the cases when children experience difficulties in their physical and motor development or professional guidance when children show extraordinary abilities. How and why?
The SLOfit team has been honoured with numerous group and individual awards over the years. Find out more on our growing list of national and international accomplishments on our new AWARDS PAGE. We continue our goals of acheiving research and teaching excellence through our impactful monitoring of physical fitness, inspired by the help and gratitude of our entire SLOfit team!
Web application My SLOfit allows student and their parents web access to students’ SLOfit results. PE teacher could also see a child’s SLOfit results via this application as well as a child’s physician provided by parents’ consent.
More about My SLOfit
He is a TV presenter, online influencer and model. He is advertising face for Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, Austrian Airlines and ambassador of prestigious Breitling watches. David calls himself as morning person, husband and father. David is all that, but not necessarily in that order. He was nominated for a fatal man in 2019.
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How do books and basketball go together? There really are not many former basketball players who write books and make movies. But....he wrote three novels, won three Kresnik awards for best novel of the year in Slovenia and spent his youth under the garbage cans, playing basketball, is certainly the most haunting, hottest, fascinating Slovenian writer, lucid columnist and film director of the last decade.
Zanj ni nič samoumevno in ni naiven. Najbrž je zato v vsem tako presneto dober! A če bi želeli našteti vse, kar počne, bi trajalo v neskončnost.
Kako se izogneš temu, da si kreten na prvem zmenku? Oziroma - kaj pomeni medsebojno spoštovanje? Kako se spopadeš s psihičnimi težavami? In, nenazadnje - kako seksaš?
Je eden naših najuspešnejših vrhunskih športnikov, ne le v Sloveniji. In eden redkih sploh, ki so že na svojih prvih olimpijskih igrah osvojili kolajno.
Dobrodošli v drugem domu Igorja E. Berganta – v tv-studiu 3, kjer nastajajo Odmevi, in njegovem kotu v pisarni.
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