SLOfit information is an important part of any physical education lesson plan!

Physical education teachers receive feedback from SLOfit team with the results of physical fitness testing for each child, class and school.

Physical education teachers generate feedback on the My SLOfit application with the results of individual children’s physical fitness testing, class and school. Using these reports, a teacher can analyse the physical fitness of the class they are teaching. Based on these (and other) characteristics (e.g. level of skills, interpersonal relationships, health specifics, work motivation), teachers can more accurately plan their annual teaching programs.

SLOfit diagnostic data can support planning and assessment. Slovenian physical education teachers know how to interpret the data, by:

  • analysing the data for an individual class to determine which class will be better/weaker from the standpoint of differentiation and individualization, and what content you need to pay more attention to when teaching from the standpoint of deficits in the physical abilities of the class
  • laying the groundwork for setting and reviewing specific goals in class physical fitness (e.g., improve flexibility in the class by 10% in one school year). An example of starting points for teaching based on the teacher's class analysis of the SLOfit results: Based on the class analysis of SLOfit results and other characteristics of the department (3rd grade), the teacher established the following starting point for the annual lesson preparation:
  • individual program for two girls with increased body mass in cooperation with a doctor, consultation with parents.
  • specifically for girls, the inclusion of much more complex coordination tasks (special attention to the following content: basic motor skills, ABC gymnastics, small games; choice of teaching forms: use of various compound polygons and work at stations) and tasks to increase the strength of the arms and shoulder girdle (in the ABC gymnastic  are include several hanging and supporting based exercises - gymnastic polygons, climbing on the  bar and parallel bars; including elements of martial arts).
  • cardiovascular endurance – greater attention to long-term aerobic activities (running games, outdoor orienteering).
  • individualized program for studetnts and consulting with parents for involvement in additional exercises.